Ph.D., Supply Chain Management, University of Arkansas; Fayetteville, AR

The Sam M. Walton College of Business
Dissertation: Integrating Systems, Processes, and Human Judgment: Three Essays on Value
Creation with Supply Chain Analytics
Dissertation Committee (alphabetical order):
John Aloysius, Dissertation Chair, U. Arkansas, Oren Harris Chair in Logistics
Christian Hofer, U. Arkansas, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management
Nada Sanders, Northeastern U., Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management
Enno Siemsen, U. Wisconsin, Proctor & Gamble Bascom Professor
Brent Williams, U. Arkansas, Garrison Endowed Chair in Supply Chain Management
Degree Awarded: May 2021

M.S., Instructional Psychology and Technology, Brigham Young University; Provo, UT

McKay School of Education
Concentration: Research and Evaluation
Capstone Project Title: Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA): A Supply Chain Management Learning
Project Committee (alphabetical order):
Royce Kimmons, Assistant Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology
Jason McDonald, Project Chair, Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology & Tech
Scott Webb, Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management
Degree Awarded: December 2017

B.S., Management, Brigham Young University; Provo, UT

Marriott School of Business
Concentration: Organizational Behavior Pre-PhD Program
Business European Study Abroad with Dr. Kristen DeTienne
Degree Awarded: June 2016